I don't know about you but I was adversely affected when the economy took a turn for the worse. It had an effect on my finances, health, and overall well-being. In an effort to fight the good fight and make lemonade out of lemons, I got a second job. At times, I am very exhausted and sometimes feel as if I don't have much time to do anything but I am extremely hopeful that things can change in the blink of an eye in my favor. The past two years have been very trying but the lessons that I've learned have been invaluable. I can honestly say that I am wiser and stronger. The things I did yesterday, I wouldn't do today. I am a different me and had to go through a few storms to get here. Despite how my circumstances may look from the outside, not only am I hopeful, but I am extremely grateful. I have to tell you that what I may have taken for granted in the past, I certainly don't take for granted anymore. There is a season for everything and the past two years have been everything but a harvest....but it's on its way.
In spite of this “planting and waiting” season, my needs were always supplied and they continue to be. People have unexpectedly done kind things to move and touch me without realizing it. I see that during my storm, I have become extremely empathetic, sympathetic, caring, and thankful for the smallest things. It's not to say that I didn't have these attributes before but I definitely see it more than I did before. Something else I've taken from this period of my life is how important people are to me and they should be treated as such. I feel immensely blessed to have the people in my life that I do, especially my family. Prior to "the storm", I would visit my family often, treat my siblings to dinner, give my family gifts here and there, etc...I was Ms. Independent and wanted my family to know how much I loved them but then the tables turned..Initially, it made me cry. The first time my brother said, "I'll treat you to IHOP for lunch," I broke down. In my mind, I am the eldest. When did things get to the point that my brother would be in the position to treat me when I was always doing the treating? I cried because it reminded me of my circumstances but once I was able to get pass that, as other similar scenarios presented themselves, I just thanked God for how blessed I was (and am). I thought I was the rock of strength, assistance, and encouragement for everyone else so it was a period of adjustment. I must tell you a couple of things that are different today. 1. I realize that I truly cannot lean on my own understanding. I may not comprehend fully why unfavorable things take place in my life but I trust that GOD has the master plan and although things may be difficult, I need to just trust HIM. At the very least, weekly, something touches me, reminding me of God's greatness and I know that I am not alone. 2. I realize that I have to praise and give thanks. I don't have to wake up in the morning but I do. I wake up, clad in my right mind. All of my blessings, no matter how small, I count and I say thank you. 3. Being through what I've gone through has helped me to encourage others as well during their time of need, whatever it is. 4. I've learned that I don't always have to be on the giving end. It is okay to receive as well. 5. I have such a strong relationship with my Mother, better than it's ever been. She has been a rock, an encourager, and one of my biggest cheerleaders. I was so busy being Ms. Independent before, that I never looked at her from that view point. During my times of need, both my sister and mother have shared scriptures to get me through and been extremely encouraging and inspiring. I feel closer to my family more now than ever before. For all of my blessings, I say, "Thank You."
To those who are going through a storm, keep your head up. I already know that I have the victory, no matter how things may seem now. What may look like a setback, God can use as my comeback. Be blessed and remain encouraged!! Count your blessings, cherish your family and friends, and trust God. Let Go and Let God….
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