If you could have a conversation with the person you used to be, your younger self, what would you say?
I would tell that little girl how beautiful she is. The world is her oyster and she can do and be anything that her mind conceives. I would also tell her that people will let her down, unintentionally and intentionally. No matter what, she shouldn't take it personally but learn from it. I would remind her of her strengths and tell her not to place as much emphasis on her shortcomings. I would tell her to be her biggest cheerleader because some days, it may not feel like there's anyone standing in the stadium of life.
I would tell her to be extremely kind and generous but to recognize when someone is trying to take advantage of her.
Know your worth, stand for something and never ignore your inner voice.
You are not to be used by anyone nor or you to use someone else. Know that you don't always have to win or be right.......because that's not life.
You won't always succeed and you'll make mistakes but learn to forgive yourself. Everyone fails at some point and makes mistakes along the way. Don't dwell on the failure(s) but keep the lessons near to your heart and never repeat it. Everyone makes mistakes. You won't be different. Move on and never get stuck in a mental rut.
A broken heart and a bruised knee will mend even though it seems as if it never will.
Be there for others as you would want others to be there for you. Remember the Golden rule and do onto others....
Don’t be so hard on yourself! No one else is!
It's okay to say goodbye to people. Some people are meant to be in your life for just a reason, some a season, some a lifetime. Once that is determined, it is okay to say goodbye.
Don't remain upset for too long. Life is just too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Honey, not everyone is like you so don't get mad when someone does something you would NEVER do to you. You are the only you.
Love yourself, treat yourself, and most of all enjoy your own company.
Life won't be easy but make your life count for something.
Some days will seem tough but don't worry, it always gets better.
If you have to question, "Is this really life??", you're not truly living. Make the appropriate changes.
You actually deserve to be happy. You do!!!!!!
Laugh heartily, wear that special dress that's in the closet, and love with all of your heart.
Trust your instincts. You're smarter and more knowledgeable than you give yourself credit.
You matter. You count and guess what, you rock!!
What advice would you give to the younger you?
I love these quotes.. These are some of the things I tell my daughter:
ReplyDeleteReach for the stars - Skies the limit...
Your body is your temple..
With a college degree endless doors will open
Disclaimer - these are my actual thoughts. They can be quotes and should be quotes that we live by but I wrote that letter to my younger self.