Friday, April 8, 2011

...and you think you have it bad

At times, we may feel as if we are backed into a corner. When it rains, they say it pours and as far as adversity is concerned, often times we certainly feel that way. Last week, a co-worker of mine said she really needed some encouragement. She truly felt as if she was at an impasse. Nothing seemed to be working. Her job wasn't in her field, her money was funny, her rent was past due, the bills were piling up, her credit seemed beyond repair, etc. What made my stomach drop was when she said, it was so bad, that she didn't have anything to eat. Upon hearing that, my heart went out to her. I offered all of the money I had in my purse, which happened to only be $2.00 but that's all I had at the time and we were at work. I know I should have been working but my thoughts were preoccupied on "Maria" and what she was going through.

It just confirmed how blessed I am even though I'm going through my own storm as well. You may think you have it bad, but there's always someone who has it worse. My significant other and I spoke about it and the next day, he delivered food at my job for her. I won't reveal this person's identity to anyone but I ask that we all lift "Maria" in our prayers. Before you get in a funk about what isn't going right in your life, see what you can do to to help someone in their situation. I've been praying for her, sending her job postings, and will try to do whatever I can to help her in her time of need.

My struggle may not be your struggle and your struggle may not be my struggle...but we are all struggling with something.

"I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet." -Anonymous


  1. Wow.. This is sad to read, but at the same time, she's a lucky person to have met you and that was very generous of him to do. Bring lunch to work, without making her the focal point of things. Its sad that it takes someone else's misfortune for us to realize how lucky we DO have it. I pray that she weathers this storm.

  2. She will be in my thoughts and prayers and if I can make a 'donation' to you for her, please let me know......SD
